Birds on a Wire Moms

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Green Moms - Here Are 3 Boundaries You Need

The most easy-going of all the temperaments, moms who are ‘green’ are a calm and steady presence in their homes. Surprisingly, they are also likely to get the most frazzled from time to time. That’s because greens are natural peacekeepers, and because life is not always peaceful, especially in a family, greens can easily become frustrated. 

 As a Green, establishing boundaries is extremely important so that you are able to keep the peace within yourself. Here are a few boundaries to consider when you find yourself having a frazzled moment:

 1. When was the last time you took time for yourself? Are you running on empty?

Greens NEED time and space to be at peace. In a home with small children, or a busy home with older kids, this probably isn’t going to happen without some intentionality on your part. Get out your calendar and mark down when you’re going to carve out “Green” time to re-charge your batteries by going for a walk alone, grabbing coffee with a girlfriend or taking a long bubble bath.

 2. Are you stepping into every conflict between your children? Do you feel like your child’s happiness is your responsibility? 

Realize that just because your children are “fussing”, they could just be communicating. Reds and Yellows like to communicate, and share their opinion, even if it gets a little heated or louder than you’d like, that’s okay. Give them a few minutes and see if they don’t work things out before you step in.

3. Have you let things “go” for a while by being too laid-back or inconsistent? Are boundaries in place for your child’s behavior?

Sometimes a green’s home can get out of control because moms don’t address a child’s behavior (creating conflict!) until a bad pattern or habit has been established. If this is true for your home – identify where behavior is out of line (for instance at dinner no one stays seated or the kids have finished their food and want seconds before you even sit down) and announce a “re-set” for the week. Tell your family what your expectations for their behavior are and then hold them accountable to that as consistently as you can for a week. By the end of a week, there should be a noticeable difference in your home and more peace in your heart!