Birds on a Wire Moms

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Boundaries Bring Freedom

Boundaries are essential in life, especially in the life of a mom. Boundaries identify where you start and where someone else needs to stop. Just like a fence around a yard, boundaries protect and define what is yours – and what is not theirs.

Boundaries are intended to bring you peace, not the other way around. In fact, boundaries will sometimes make others uncomfortable, and that’s OKAY. If someone fusses about a boundary you have set or one that you are trying to establish, generally it’s because they are not getting their way anymore. Whether we’re getting pushback from our kids, our in-laws, or our office, boundaries often bring anger and guilt with them

Here’s the thing momma, you don’t have to accept that guilt! Stop for a minute and recognize that you are not responsible for this other person’s anger and as for your feelings of guilt, ask yourself the question, “Am I committing a sin?” If the answer is no, then any guilt is false guilt. You might even need to write down, “I have a right to establish healthy boundaries and I am not responsible for others’ reactions to these boundaries.” if the person pushing back is someone you have to bump up against daily.

Even Jesus set boundaries. Throughout the gospels we see that Jesus accepted his human limitations and he ate. Jesus napped. Jesus withdrew from his inner circle at times to be alone. Jesus did not accept inappropriate behavior from those around him. He withdrew from crowds who wanted him to continue preaching and performing miracles after he was done. He rebuked his mother and brothers when they tried to pull him away from purposeful teaching he was pursuing. Jesus did not always go along to get along nor did he let others use his life for their own ends.

Establishing healthy boundaries will help keep you from becoming burnt out during this hard season of mothering. They can be difficult to establish, but when you do, they will bring you freedom and peace. 

When healthy boundaries are in place, you don’t feel taken  advantage of or like you are being walked all over.