Birds on a Wire Moms

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Does Your Calendar Have Any Breathing Room?

When it comes to keeping the family calendar simple in a mom’s world, I’m not sure it is always possible! Even if you are great at saying no and prioritizing what’s most important for your family… well then, life throws you a curveball! I like to think of the family calendar as a constant tension that has to be managed, instead of a problem to be solved once and for all.

When I’m feeling overwhelmed by life, I usually start by looking at my calendar. Take a look at how much margin you have during a particular season (maybe that means a school year, or the duration of a project you’re in charge of at work, or a sport/play your children are involved in), then determine if anything “extra” can be added on top of what is already going on. If I’ve said this once, I’ve said it a million times, you do not need to feel guilty about saying NO moms!

Secondly, we have to realize that seasons will change, and you should try to flex with the change. Saying no now doesn’t mean saying no forever, but conversely - just because you did something last year, doesn’t mean you can or should do it this year!

Finally, get in the habit of every so often creating some “down” time for you and your family. Every now and then step off the wheel that is constantly spinning. Plan a family day filled to the brim with sleeping in, watching movies or playing games and ordering Uber Eats instead of cooking. Mark it down on your calendar and resist the urge to squeeze “just this one little thing” extra into that day. Your family will appreciate the breathing room and I bet these “down days” will become something you all look forward to!