Birds on a Wire Moms

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3 Tips for Adjusting To A New School Year

The readjustment period that comes along with getting back into the routine of the school year is no joke for moms! Here are 3 tips that will hopefully help ease your family into the year: 1.A week before your child’s school begins start putting them to bed earlier, and waking them up earlier to help their bodies reset. If your kids are older, have a conversation about what time they need to be getting to sleep in order to wake up on time and set some expectations for whose responsibility it is to get up on time. (Hint hint: it's not yours mom!)

2. With a new school year comes new commitments.  This year, be proactive in protecting some margin on your calendar. In order to do this you will have to be intentional. I always found it helpful to get a physical calendar and write everything out that I need to do. (Ball practice, dance class, PTA meetings, Open House, etc) Usually when I wrote it out I would see how busy my calendar was and I would make an effort not to schedule anything else new until I had adjusted. 

3. Do a fun event at low cost with your family to celebrate the start of a new school year. Ask these questions:

+ What was your favorite thing we did this summer as a family?

+What was your favorite thing you did by yourself this summer?

+ What are you most excited about for the upcoming school year?

Start this school year as a mom with a positive attitude.  Remember attitudes flow down!