Birds on a Wire Moms

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Let's Talk About Hormones

Most of us received some kind of talk about hormones and what to expect from them when we hit puberty, but where’s the talk for adult women about hormones?

Well, BOAW wanted to start the conversation. :) This week on Wire Talk, we brought on a new friend of mine who is an OBGYN up in Ohio. Dr. Sharon Marcanthony joined us to answer your questions about hormonal health. I just loved hearing your questions! They ran the gamut from, “What do I need to know about menopause?” to “How do I help my teen deal with her yeast infections?” to “Is post-weaning depression a thing?”

I love how down-to-earth and knowledgeable all of Dr. Sharon’s answers were, because hormones play a role throughout a woman’s life! Whether you have just had a baby, or you are in pre-menopause, or just dealing with your normal monthly cycle, hormones affect the way we live. My top 3 takeaways from this conversation were:

  1. You are not crazy or making it up, hormones are real.

    Everything can affect your hormones; diet, weather, age, etc. The transitions are especially tricky: when you become pregnant, when you give birth, when you wean from breastfeeding, when you transition out of having your period each month. Pay attention to those seasons of transition and reach out to your doctor when something feels off.

  2. Stop using Dr. Google!

    When you’re not sure what’s going on or think there may be a hormonal issue, reach out to your doctor. If you don’t have a doctor you are comfortable asking questions to, ask around and find another OBGYN. There are lots of doctors out there and you should feel like you have a real relationship with yours.

  3. God created community for a reason.

    Who do you have in your life that you can talk to when you feel “off”? Who in your world would notice if you were “off”? Your doctor is just one person who can help you stay healthy! Your family and friends are also essential to your health. Dr. Sharon recommended taking this assessment if you are concerned about symptoms of postpartum depression or anxiety.

I hope you’ll listen in to our conversation with Dr. Sharon, and do what you can to help the moms in your world feel more comfortable talking about hormonal health!