Birds on a Wire Moms

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Take Care of Yourself this Summer

I can almost smell the sunscreen and chlorine as I type these words … summer is coming moms! While I know we are all thrilled about leaving behind the world of homework and projects and early morning dashes to catch the school bus, the summer schedule can also be hard on moms. During summer you may be with your children 24 hours a day, so I want to encourage each of you, do not forget about taking care of yourself this summer! Summer is full of “fun” activities and trips for many of us - but as all moms know, what’s “fun” for our kids isn’t always “fun” for the momma. We are the ones making the fun happen after all! So be intentional about carving out time for yourself. Sit down with your calendar this week and schedule in some “me” time during the busy summer months. Maybe that means getting a sitter once a week to give you a chance to run errands alone or grabbing lunch with a friend instead of working through your lunch break once a week. It doesn’t have to be a big deal and it doesn’t even have to cost money! Maybe it’s giving yourself permission to read a novel for fun or go for a walk with a friend in the neighborhood after dinner, whatever it is, it just needs to restore your heart and replenish your energy. Make sure you’re staying in touch with YOU this summer in the midst of caring for everyone else’s needs. Not just the mom, the employee or the wife, but the real YOU. The you that was around before you had kids and the you that will still be around (if you keep in touch with her) after your kids are grown and gone.

A healthy mom means a healthy family, so moms, take care of yourselves. Doing so will mean that when summer is finished and school starts up again, you are ready to tackle the new year and not worn out and frazzled!