Birds on a Wire Moms

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WT 040: How to Start 2017 Right

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WT 040: How to Start 2017 Right Birds on a Wire

Wow! Can you believe we already a few days into the new year?  We are few days into new year and we want to start it off correctly. Listen to today's episode to hear Karen answers your questions on How Start 2017 Off Right!

Question 1: Karen, what are some creative ways to spend time with the Lord while I’m busy driving my kids everywhere and working on the house? I love to journal and write out my prayers, but I’m not able to do that every day. I know I can connect with God in other ways, please share your advice or things that have worked for you.

Karen’s Answer:

You can talk to God while you are driving, working around the house, etc.  Prayer is as easy as breathing. Paul tells us we should pray without ceasing.  Worship music is also a way to spend time with God. Also, write scripture out on notecards and place them around your home. I have a friend who writes scripture on her bathroom mirror or windows in the house, to keep God’s word front and center.

I think creative is the key word here. Gone are the days for a mom where she has time for an hour quiet time. It would be nice to sit quietly for an hour in the morning, or afternoon, but that’s not while your children are young.  But, we need to be creative, carve out time for God and if that means slowing down a bit and cutting some things out of our schedule we need to do that.  Even just waking up and thanking God for the day, before your feet hit the floor is awesome! It is a mindset of God, I want you to be Lord of my day, Lord of my life.  Ask God the question, “what do you have in store for me today?”

Question 2: Karen, like most people—I am wanting to make more healthy dinners at home for my family. I’ve learned that if I decide to wait until dinner time to think about what we’re going to eat, it’ll be takeout. What tips can you share on menu planning, meal prepping and getting the kids lunches together? Also, if you have any grocery shopping tips that would be great!   

Karen’s Answer:

I’ve found it best to plan out your week.  Look at the calendar, see what the week looks like for you and your family, and then make up your menus to adjust to your schedule.  Then write out the grocery items you need and go gather everything. Do as much prep work as you can before the week starts. Chop onions, carrots, etc. and place in tupperware.  I even enlisted Greg in the mix.    Greg actually went through all my cookbooks and made a big list of favorite meals, and ones that he wanted me to make.  That is 1/2 the battle, knowing what to make!

Question 3: Karen, a personal goal of mine this year is expanding my personal community and friend circle. What’s your advice for going about this?

Karen’s Answer:

You are going to have to put yourself out there, be bold and push yourself.  I think a lot of times we don’t do these things because we are afraid of rejection, or not knowing what we are doing, but in the long run we are better for it. One way to do this is by starting a BOAW group. (Learn how!) Open your home and invite a few friends. It’s easy and will build your community.

Question 4: After listening to your podcast on the importance of “Me time” I’m committed to making an effort to do this consistently this year. What are your favorite ways to have me time? Have they changed since the kids left the house? I enjoy reading and listening to audiobooks, so if you have any recommendations for books that will pour into me, I would love to hear them. Thank you!

Karen’s Answer:

My “me” time has changed since the children left.  I am now addicted to Netflix.  Bad vice I know! But, you asked.  I love reading stories of strong women and how they supported their husbands. It is challenging to me.  Other “me” time, I love hanging out with my friends, going to the movies, eating mexican food.Just pick one thing to do this week just for you! then do it!

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

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Thank you moms, have a great day!