Birds on a Wire Moms

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Wire Talk Unplugged: What's Happening at Birds On A Wire

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Wire Talk Unplugged: What's Happening at Birds On A Wire Birds on a Wire

Welcome to an unplugged episode of Wire Talk! Today Karen and Sunny are having a conversation about everything Birds on a Wire: Why Birds on a Wire started, where it is, and why we have a heart for moms. Moms, Birds on a Wire exists for you. It's our hope and prayer that we can help encourage and equip you along your journey of motherhood.

Resources Created for Moms:

Full List of Books Available  

Letters to Moms

Moments with God for Moms

80 Tips on Motherhood

Full List of Curriculum and Bible Studies Available

Says Who? Parts 1 & 2

Mom Core

Make It Count  

The Six Truths of Motherhood (Newest Curriculum) 

One thing we're talked about a lot on this podcast, and have heard countless times from moms, is that it's so easy to feel alone. It's easy to feel like we're the only ones going through what we're going through. But it's not true and doesn't have to be this way! That's why we encourage moms to start a group to go through the curriculum together. You can gather a group of friends and alternate hosting duties or you can bring the curriculum to your church and ask them to start a group. Find out more on our groups page!

There's still time to join us later this month for Soar. Imagine pressing pause and spending a weekend being refueled, equipped, and empowered alongside other moms! Birds on a Wire designed the Soar conference for that very purpose – to inspire moms in every stage of life with truths needed to soar and to not grow weary as we navigate motherhood.