But What If We Don't Agree?


In marriage, more likely than not, you are not going to agree with your spouse 100% of the time. There will be times when you see things one way and your husband sees things entirely differently.

When you cannot agree here are my suggestions:

  1. Pray, ask God to open up your eyes to your husband’s side and his eyes to yours.

  2. Don’t spring difficult a conversation on your spouse out of the blue! Agree on a time and a place to sit down with no distractions for a discussion.

  3. Listen first without interrupting or agreeing/disagreeing. Focus on hearing your spouse’s side of things before communicating your own thoughts. It even helps to repeat what they have said, i.e. “What I hear you saying is…”

  4. Bring in a mentor, a counselor, or an unbiased friend whom you both respect and share the scenario with them for their feedback.

If you still cannot agree, I suggest that the wife submit to the husband. Not because the husband is right, but because God asks us to submit. Go to God and tell Him you do not agree, but you are submitting out of obedience to Him.

Pray daily that God will work on your heart and your side of the problem. I’ve done this many times, and I’m always amazed at how God brings Greg and I back together in His timing. We are stronger in the end for these difficult times.