Juggling the Needs of More Than One Child


When you have more than one child, it can be challenging managing all of the personalities and everyone’s fight to be heard. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. You can’t always keep it fair. How you parent your children depends on their age and personality (take our color quiz if you’re not sure!) Your other children will not always understand the decisions you make with regard to their sibling, and that is okay.

  2. It IS your job to teach them how to get along. Your children don’t come into this world knowing how to share or put others first, so take a deep breath when you find them squabbling - this is normal behavior! But keep in mind you must teach them. Teach them how to truly apologize, give them opportunities to serve each other, and maintain hope! Taylor and Abby were in college before they truly became friends with one another.

  3. You are only one person. Of course, do the best you can. But when you mess up (and you will) apologize, and move one.

Be gracious to yourself momma! And remember, parenting is a marathon. If today was a bad day, there’s always tomorrow.