Real Life. Real Moms.


This past week on the Wire Talk podcast, we celebrated 200 episodes of the show. 200 episodes! It’s hard to believe that when Wire Talk started I knew hardly anything about podcasts but now 200 episodes later, it’s one of my favorite aspects of this job!

We thought it would be fun to record a Wire Talk episode with Sunny that mirrors what we do each month on our Patreon podcast, Real Life. Real Moms. On that show, I interview a real mom each month and ask her about her journey of motherhood. She shares what she’s learned along the way, what has been challenging, and what motherhood has taught her about God. I love that these shows are intimate conversations, mom to mom, just like you’d have with a friend over coffee.

What a joy it was to talk to Sunny about her unique journey to motherhood and what she’s walking through right now. If you listen to Wire Talk regularly, you may think Sunny and I always have the answers and have perfect lives and perfect children, but that is far from the truth! Real life is messy, and we’re no different. 

In Real Life Real Moms, we talk about the mess while we’re still in the middle of it. Too often we only see the “after” on Instagram or hear family stories once they have a pretty bow wrapping them up. It’s hard to see those stories and compare them to your “real life” without feeling like you must be missing something.

Whether your child has special needs, or if you struggle with marriage issues, or you thought being a mom would be one way and it turned out to be altogether different, no matter what curve ball is thrown your way, God is there for you, and He will get you through it. That’s a common thread I’m hearing as I sit and talk with these moms. God is real. He is faithful. He can be trusted.

That’s my prayer for you this week momma, in the middle of whatever mess you may find yourself in, ask God to show you Himself. Ask for His help. See if you don’t discover a Real God in the midst of your Real Life.