Being a Good Friend To Your (Adult) Child


Most of the moms involved with this ministry have young kids still at home, but I this week I want to ask all my moms to turn your eyes forward 10 or even 20 years in the future. How old will your kids be? By then, they will surely be adults, and maybe you’ll even have grandchildren of your own!

These are the years when you will have finally “arrived” as a parent. This is the time when, at last, you can enjoy your child as a friend. Your children will be adults in their own right and they can and should be making their own choices. Think about how you want your parents to treat you right now…do you want them telling you what to do? Offering their opinions on your methods of discipline, your finances, or your house-keeping? Probably not!

Try to keep that in mind when you arrive at the stage where your own children are grown. Don’t give your opinion unless asked. Respect your child’s choices, listen and be a friend to them. I am telling you moms, this is my favorite stage of parenting yet, so don’t spoil it by overstepping boundaries. Simply enjoy!