Where's your focus going to be in 2021?


As we step into 2021 with hope and promise of a new beginning, here are three things I believe we need to keep our eyes focused on this new year:

1. Keep your eyes on God.

Life is hard and messy. Jesus told us in John 16:33, “In this world you WILL have trouble.” A new year doesn’t mean everything is magically going to be better. We’re not guaranteed easy or good. In order to make 2021 the best year it can be, keep your eyes on God, our one true anchor. Jesus continues in John 16 and tells us, “Take heart! I have overcome the world.” The key to successful living is keeping your eyes on the right target and that is God.

2. Stay in God’s Word every day.

The Bible was given to us to help us know God better, and to be a source of strength for us. Most of us moms do not open it nearly enough, but we should. Commit this year to reading your Bible a little every day. That may seem overwhelming, but just read one verse if that’s all you can do! If you don’t know where to start, I’d recommend starting in John. If nothing else you will learn about when Jesus was on the Earth and His great love for you. Write down key verses that hit home to you, and place them around your house to encourage you.

3. Remind yourself daily that your hope is in God- not the government, a vaccine, your finances, your marriage, and not in your children.

It is easy to think all of our troubles are going to go away in 2021, but that is false hope. Our hope should be in the one mainstay of life and that is God, who is the same yesterday , today and tomorrow. (Hebrews 13:8) Keep your hope in Him and not your circumstances and then you will have peace.

Happy New Year Moms! I am looking forward to watching what God does in 2021.