What To Do About Back to School This Year


This week, we invited therapist Dr. Chinwé Williams on Wire Talk to answer your questions and talk about some of the concerns moms have about school this year. I loved having Chinwé on and hope you’ll go listen to the episode!

Here are 4 questions she said every family needs to consider when making their decision about what to do this fall:

  1. How’s my child doing?

    Is he/she immuno-compromised? Did he/she struggle with the virtual format?

  2. How am I doing?

    What are my personal or family health concerns?

  3. Where do I live?

    What are case levels like around me? How are local medical facilities holding up under the strain of the virus?

  4. What has my school communicated?

Making the decision to go back to school should be a personal decision based on your child and your family
As each family makes their decision on how to educate their children this fall, we need to be careful not to judge others. Each momma is doing her best given her personal circumstances and her child.

Dr. Williams reminded us that kids absorb the anxiety of the current situation from our reactions. Much of our children’s anxiety about COVID is normal anxiety that comes with any major life change. In many cases, it’s anxiety about not seeing their friends or participating in their normal activities.

Moms, I cannot tell you what is right for your family this fall. As with everything in life, when we lack wisdom, let’s get in the habit of going to God. Remember one of my favorite verses which comes with a promise:

“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and IT WILL BE GIVEN TO HIM.” James 1:5

God promises to give you the wisdom you need to make the wise choice for your family. Seek Him and then be bold and trust Him. I’m praying for you moms!