My Prayer For You Going into 2018

I like to close out each year and start the new one with a prayer for all my moms– and for 2018 my prayer is that you would invite Jesus into this crazy everyday life you are living. I pray you would lean into His presence to walk with, talk with and share your burdens with. So often we wake up and hit the ground running with our routines, our tasks of motherhood, and we forget that we have a helper at the ready, someone who wants to shoulder our burden for us and help us. Think about how many times throughout your day as a mom you need help – for me it’s a lot – Jesus has offered to be that helper if only we will let Him. (Rev 3:20)

In John 10:10 Jesus says, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” Jesus came at Christmas so that you could have an abundant life, right now.

Does your life feel abundant? I hope so. But if your day-to-day has you feeling empty and exhausted, if you feel worn out and weary from your efforts, invite Jesus in right now. You don’t have to do life in your own strength; Jesus wants you to lean on Him, He wants you to bring your needs to Him. Today, right now, rest in the fact that Jesus has done the hard work for you. Share your heart with Him today, ask for help and tell Him what is bringing you joy. Jesus came to bring you an abundant life and if you will invite Him in and walk with Him each day, 2018 will be a year of abundance.