Wherever You Are, Soar Together With Us

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Our first ever Soar Together Conference kicks off next weekend and moms we are so ready to watch what God does through this virtual conference. We have been working our tails off so that when you press ‘watch,’ you’re able to soak up God’s truth, hear his heart for you, and you’re moved to be the kind of BRAVE mother that 2020 is showing us we all need to be.

Moms, we want each and every one of you to experience Soar this year! The women who are registered already are American and European, Costa Rican and Canadian. They are moms gathering with friends and moms curling up solo with a cup of tea and a Bible. Moms who just went back to work and moms who just quit jobs to stay home. We have moms of multiples and moms of one registered. Moms of babies, toddlers, teens, and even some grandmoms are watching with us! Wherever you are and whatever your life situation looks like in 2020, our hope and our prayer as you sit and soak up time with friends and time being taught is that you would be equipped with bravery for the path God has laid in front of you.

Maybe you're thinking, "this year has been crazy - I can't make time for one more thing.”  We think this crazy year is all the more reason to take a breather and invest in yourself. Gear up for whatever November may hold by coming to be equipped and encouraged.

Or perhaps 2020 has been financially difficult for you… Thanks to our generous friend Lori Gore, we have scholarship funds available in honor of her big-hearted husband, Jeff. Send an email to info@birdsonawiremoms.com with the subject line, “Scholarship” if that’s your situation this year.

Maybe you’re just not convinced there’s something for you at Soar this year… Karen's 3 keynote sessions this year are focused on three incredible women from the Bible; Hannah, Esther and Mary. You won’t hear these messages anywhere else. You’ve also got 20 bonus sessions lined up for you to choose from when Karen finishes speaking. TWENTY! You can learn about the 5 Love Languages from the author of that book himself. Or hear practical tips for navigating screens and technology from Arlene Pellicane. Whether you’re parenting toddlers or teens - whether your house is mostly calm or mostly chaos, there’s a bonus session that will speak to you. Check out the full list of speakers and topics here.

What would this world look like with another 1000 moms stepping out into life bravely, convinced that God is behind them? Text a friend, gather your tribe and join us. Sign up HERE today.