WT 169: Blended Families & Helping Kids Handle Divorce


Karen shares wisdom for talking about divorce, separation and blended families with your kids on today’s episode of Wire Talk. Whether you’re married, separated, or divorced, we hope you gain a few tools for tackling this tough subject with your kids during this episode. Even if you are not in a blended family or going through a divorce, listen to better understand the moms around you and don’t miss the prayer Karen prays to help her love even the most unloveable people in her life.

Resources Mentioned in this episode:

Bring Karen to your home church!

Oasis Divorce Recovery groups

Helping Children Cope with Divorce by Edward Terber

Shattered Dreams by Larry Crabb

Boundaries by Henry Cloud & John Townsend

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

The Smart Step Family by Ron Deal

Questions Karen Answers on this Episode:

  1. How do my ex-husband and I help our kids work through our divorce? What are practical ways I can show my children that while the situation is sad, our family is going to use this to make our faith in God grow stronger?

  2. I’m a new stepmom to teenagers. How do I show them that I love and accept them?

  3. My ex-husband is getting re-married. How do I teach my kids to treat their new stepmom with love & respect? (Especially when I secretly don’t like her?)

Show Credits:

Hosted by Karen Stubbs and Sunny Williams, written & produced by Katie Leipprandt, edited by Kyle Cummings


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