WT 262: How's Your Anxiety Level, Mom? with Sissy Goff


"We feel out of control and so the easiest place and most natural place to control when we feel fearful, even fearful for our kids, is to step in and control them." 

Author and counselor Sissy Goff joins us today to talk about the rise in anxiety and depression among moms (and our kids!) in the past year. There is so much wisdom packed into this conversation, moms. Please listen and SHARE! 

Resources mentioned on today’s episode:

Pick up a copy of Sissy’s new book, Brave, A Teen Girl’s Guide to Beating Worry and Anxiety on Amazon

Need to hear more about anxiety in your kids? Listen to episode 191

Join our Patreon community, Real Life, Real Moms, today

Sissy’s other books on worry/anxiety: Raising Worry-Free Girls, Braver, Smarter, Stronger A Girl’s Guide to Overcoming Worry & Anxiety

Question 1: Sissy, our community of BOAW moms loves you! You did a session on anxiety for our Soar Conference in 2020 and you’ve been with us on Wire Talk before talking specifically about anxiety in girls - moms that’s episode 191 because I know you’ll want to go back and give it a listen after today’s episode.

I know anxiety is a normal emotion to experience, but Covid seems to have heightened its presence in families these days. As a ministry that works with moms, we definitely see it, are you seeing that in your practice, too?

Question 2: We recently received this question from a mom and I’d love your take on it Sissy: How do I talk to my kids about current events (specifically Covid) without passing along my own anxiety to them? I want them to know what’s going on in the world, but I don’t want them to feel fear.

Question 3:  Another mom in our community wants to know, I am a Blue personality (melancholy) and really try to stay up to date with what is happening in current events, politics, etc. but it weighs heavily on my heart and I end up feeling blue and sad. Is there something I can do to stay informed without feeling overwhelmed by it all?

Question 4:  How do I balance wanting to promote independence in my children with safety? My kids are 8 and 5, and I want to promote that sort of confidence and independence they need to grow as adults, but hearing about children being kidnapped from their own front yards makes me feel like I need to stay protective and keep them with me.

Question 5: I love this next question because this mom is so real. She writes: I'm SO SURE I'm giving my anxiety to my kids (3 and 5) and even my DOG has anxiety. WHAT?? I'm trying not to blame myself, but I want to turn this ship around. I was so impressed hearing Sissy Goff speak at this year’s SOAR Together and I am utilizing her podcasts. Any hard and fast tips or tools to navigate parenting while lessening my anxiety about life in general?

Question 6: Sissy, you have just released a new book called Brave, A Teen Girl’s Guide to Beating Worry and Anxiety, can you tell our moms why you wrote this book now, and where we can pick up a copy of it?

Show Credits: hosted by Karen Stubbs with Sunny Williams, written & produced by Katie Leipprandt, edited by Kyle Cummings


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