The Bottom Line During Elementary School


If you listened to Wire Talk this past week, you heard me say that I think elementary school years are “the golden years” of childhood and they really are! This is such a sweet time of life! Your kids are growing more independent, but they still love to be around their parents and they usually love snuggles from mom.

These are the years to focus on building your child’s character. When they were younger, your focus was on teaching obedience but now, you need to begin teaching your child the “why” behind that “no”.

As your kids mature toward adolescence, their ability to reason increases. They naturally want to know why you have set certain rules in place and as good parents; we need to be able to give them answers.

During these elementary years, teach your child why we don’t lie, cheat, or steal, and why we are kind to people.  Use Scripture, and share stories from times in your life where you learned these principles. These are the years to have heart to heart conversations with your child so they understand why certain behaviors are harmful to themselves or to others.

We want to send our kids into middle school with a jump start on their own moral compass. We want to grow kids who choose God’s best even when no one is looking. Your goal at the end of the day is a child who no longer needs to follow ‘Mom’s rules’ because their rules for life are written on their heart.

If you have an elementary school kid, here’s an assignment for the week: brainstorm several character traits that you want to build into your child during these years and search for Scripture or real-life stories that go along with that principle. Write out a list (involve your spouse if you’re married!) and keep it somewhere you can remind yourself of every now and then. Then, when an opportunity naturally comes up with your child, you’ll have your “why behind the no” all ready to share with them.